of a bond servant woman, 1234
- 1266 |
description of the life of a
bond servant woman was written
by an English friar in the 13th
century. A bond servant was
a slave to his or her master.
The writer of this piece thinks
it is a good idea to keep the
slaves in their place.
in translation in R. Steele,
ed.,' Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew
Anglicus', London, 1905.
servant woman is ordained
to learn the wife's rule,
and is put to office and
work of travail, toiling
and slubbering. And is fed
with gross meat and simple,
and is clothed with clothes,
and kept low under the yoke
of thraldom and serfage.
Also if a servant woman
be of bond condition, she
is not suffered to take
a husband at her own will;
and he that weddeth her,
if he be free afore, he
is made bond after the contract.
A bond servant woman is
bought and sold like a beast.
And if a bond servant man
or woman be made free and
afterwards be unkind, he
shall be called and brought
again into charge of bondage
and thraldom. Also a bond
servant suffereth many wrongs,
and is beat with rods. And
therefore among all wretchedness
and woe the condition of
bondage and thraldom is
most wretched. It is one
property of bond serving
women to grudge and to be
rebel and unbuxom to their
lords and ladies. And when
they be not held low with
dread, their hearts swell,
and wax stout and proud.
Dread maketh bond men and
women meek and low, and
goodly love maketh them
proud and stout and despiteful.