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* * Women's lives *
  Medieval Realms
detailActivity: Sources

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Task 2: Explore the evidence

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Here are 14 pieces of evidence about women's lives in the Middle Ages. Read the documents, look closely at the pictures and listen to the audio to find out more.

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Teaching geometry Breaking clods Christine de Pisan Woman blacksmith
Teaching geometry Breaking clods Woman writer Woman blacksmith
Hunting with ferrets Female physician Woman beating a man Washing clothes
Hunting with ferrets Female physician Woman beating a man Washing clothes
Document source with audio Document source Document source Document source
Death of a woman crusader Becoming an anchoress Life of a bond servant Joan of Arc
Document source Document source
Land of the Amazons Magna Carta


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Task 3: What does the evidence suggest?

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When you have examined all the evidence, look again at the statements you made in the first part of this activity. You may want to change your mind on some of them.


bullet Writing frame
Download the writing frame in Microsoft Word format, and fill in your original opinion, your new opinion, and details of the evidence which led you to your conclusions.


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