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Mapping History
* Ptolemy's World Map, 1482 * *  
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Mapping History

Ptolemy's World Map 1482 - detailAlthough it is known as 'Ptolemy's World Map', rather strangely this map was printed more than 1000 years after Ptolemy's death!

All the maps produced by this ancient Greek cartographer were lost until a copy of his book was translated from the original Greek in 1407.

Ptolemy's maps were based on measurements and calculations linked to astronomical observations. The rediscovery of his work in the 15th century was to have a far-reaching influence on how future maps were constructed.

In the Middle Ages the most important things on maps were usually shown as being the largest and the actual size of the country, town or castle was considered of less significance. Modern maps reflect the lasting legacy of Ptolemy as the use of scale based on accurate mathematical measurement is central to them.

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