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* * As others see me? *
  Medieval Realms

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Task 1:

Plan and take a photograph of yourself or one of your friends. Think about the following elements:

bullet Where would the photograph be taken? (eg. home, school or a favourite place)
bullet What kind of pose would the subject have and what would the camera angle be? Experiment with different poses, angles and expressions.
bullet What kind of objects would be included in the photograph? They should have some meaning for the subject. Try to think of several objects so that a full picture of the subject is presented or choose only one or two objects to give a more singular view. Could any symbolic objects be added to the photograph to give it further meaning?
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Task 2:

Plan and take a photograph of yourself or one of your friends in the role of a character from history. Think about the following elements:

bullet What items of costume would you use to give an impression of the character?
bullet What objects would be included in the photograph? They should be appropriate to the character's role.
bullet What symbolic objects might you include in the photograph that would also be appropriate to the character's role, position or personality. Here, if you wish, you can choose symbols to communicate your own view of the character.
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Task 3:

Explore symbolic language in relation to people's qualities by playing the following word games.

bullet Make a list of famous people alive or dead . Devise sentence starters like: 'If x was an animal he would be a ...' or 'if x was a car she would be a ... ' List about 10 sentence starters like this. Then substitute the name of each person for x and complete the sentences.
bullet Reverse the previous game and work in groups. Each group reads out their sentences and the other groups have to guess who the famous people are.
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