were preparing to go into hiding. My family, my
mother and I and my brother and my sister, and
friends, we were in hiding. We went into hiding,
like Anne Frank. Our friends' home, they had like
a shed in the yard, and we went in there at night,
one night, because we knew
our area where
we lived in the ghetto was getting emptied out,
so we went on the other side: still in the ghetto
but at a different part. And we went to my mother's
friends and we all made like a plan to go into
hiding, these friends and another neighbour with
her children. And we had a neighbour that was
in the Jewish police force, he hid his family.
He had built on a wall, a secret wall into one
room, the end of a room, and he put his wardrobes
flush against the wall, so he locked us up. So
we all went in there one night, took all our belongings,
because they were coming nearer to our district,
you know, the clearing out."